Due to a revision of Statute 33 §§ 751, the website fees are as follows:
Effective October 9, 2013, each calendar year the first 500 pages per *person are free, then $.50 per page thereafter.
* Person is defined as a person, corporation, partnership, or any other entity.
Monthly subscribers will be charged a $35 per month subscription fee, and $.50 per page after the first 500 pages. To become a monthly subscriber, simply create an account and choose a user ID and password. Becoming a monthly subscriber allows for the convenience of only having to log in once throughout the visit.
Non-Subscribers will need to create an account and will be charged $.50 per page after the first 500 pages. There is no monthly subscription fee, but you will be prompted to enter your user ID whenever you print. If you do NOT want to create an account, you can click "Log in as Guest", but you will NOT be able to print.
Plan copy fees are the same as document fees. Full size plans are available at the registry
Thank you!!